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29 February 2012

च्यालेन्ज कपलाई टोली घोषणा

फागुन २५ बाट हुने एएफसी च्यालेन्ज कपका लागि नेपालले मंगलबार २१ सदस्यीय टोली घोषणा गरेको छ। नेपालका ब्रिटिश प्रशिक्षक ग्राहम रोबर्टसले शुक्रबार अन्तिम २० सदस्यीय टोलीको घोषणा गरिने बताए। 

लक्ष्मी हुन्डाई मनाङ मर्स्याङदी क्लबका रक्षक सविन्द्र श्रेष्ठ, एनआरटीका रक्षक जितेन्द्र कार्की र आर्मीका विङ्गर टंक बस्नेत पहिलोपटक राष्ट्रिय टोलीमा पर्ने पक्का भएको छ। प्रशिक्षक रोबर्टसले जुमानु राई, सन्तोष साहुखल, गणेश लावती, अनिल गुरुङ र सुजल श्रेष्ठमध्येबाट अन्तिम टोलीमा एक स्ट्राइकर कटौती गरिने जनाए।
बन्द प्रशिक्षणमा रहेका २५ मध्येबाट आर्मीद्वय टेकबहादुर बुढाथोकी र नवयुग श्रेष्ठ, पुलिसका पर्वत पाण्डे तथा मनाङका विजय गुरुङले टोलीमा स्थान बनाउन सकेनन्। टोलीमा स्थान बनाउन नसकेका सबै खेलाडी मिडफिल्डर हुन्। अघिल्लो साता घुँडाको चोट बोकेका कारण विजयले ६ हप्ता गुमाउने भएपछि उनी टोलीबाट बाहिरिए। 
पर्वत र आर्मीका मिडफिल्डर राजु तामाङको खेलशैली एउटै भएका कारण पुलिसका मिडफिल्डरलाई टोलीमा राख्न नसकेको रोबर्टसले बताए। रक्षक सन्दिप राई मिडफिल्डमा पनि खेल्ने भएकाले टोली छनोटमा भएको उनले बताए।

२१ सदस्यीय नेपाली टोली
गोलरक्षकः किरण चेम्जोङ (मेगा थ्री स्टार), विकास मल्ल (आर्मी) रितेश थापा (पुलिस)
रक्षकः सागर थापा (कप्तान, यती हिमालयन शेर्पा), रोहित चन्द (एचएएल), विराज महर्जन (थ्री स्टार), रविन श्रेष्ठ (पुलिस), सन्दिप राई, सविन्द्र श्रेष्ठ, दीपक भुसाल (मनाङ), जितेन्द्र कार्की (एनआरटी)
मध्यपंक्तिः राजु तामाङ, टंक बस्नेत (आर्मी), भरत खवास, भोला सिलवाल (पुलिस), निराजन खड्का (मनाङ)
स्ट्राइकरः जुमानु राई (पुलिस), अनिल गुरुङ, सन्तोष साहुखल, सुजल श्रेष्ठ (मनाङ), गणेश लावती (एपिएफ) 


27 February 2012


25 February 2012

सिमरा गोल्ड कपको उपाधि मनाङ मर्स्याङ्दीलाई

उपेन्द्र लामिछाने, सिमरा, फागुन १३- सिमरामा आयोजित म्याजिक मोमेन्टस तेस्रो सिमरा गोल्डकपको उपाधि लक्ष्मी हुन्डाई मनाङ मर्स्याङ्दीले जितेको छ। शनिबार भएको खेलमा साहारा क्लब पोखरलाई १-० ले हराउँदै उपाधि कब्जा गरेको हो। खेलको ८१औं मिनेटमा मनाङका लागि शुलभ मास्केले गरेको गोल नै निर्णायक बनेको थियो

जितसँगै मनाङ मर्स्याङ्दीले तीन लाख तीन रुपैयाँ पुरस्कार पाउनेछ भने साहाराले एक लाख ६० हजार तीन रुपियाँ पाउनेछ। 
यसअघि मनाङ मर्स्याङ्दीले पोखरामा भएको आहा गोल्ड कपको १०औं संस्करणमाथि पनि कब्जा जमाएको थियो।

Copy Article from 

23 February 2012

Former Nepal International Defender Rakesh Shrestha: The Group A Is Wide Open

Former Nepal skipper and defender, Rakesh Shrestha thinks that the group in which Nepal is pitted is wide open to progress into the semifinals. 

Speaking exclusively with GoalNepal.com, Shrestha said, "I think this group is wide open. All the four teams have equal chance to progress to the semifinals. The Russian block is always superior but since Nepal is playing at home, we have a very good chance to progress to the semifinals". 

"It is always morale boosting to play in front of home supporters", Shrestha said, "The support gives the power. The players want to show their best, which results in the good performance". 

"We should concentrate more on the matches against Palestine and Maldives", Shrestha added, "Turkmenistan is strong but they can be beaten. So I think this group is wide open". 

Article sources  GOAL NEPAL

सहारा उपाधिनजिक

सहारा क्लब, पोखरा म्याजिक मोमेन्ट्स तेस्रो सिमरा गोल्डकपको उपाधिनजिक बुधबार प्रवेश गरेको छ । पहिलो सेमिफाइनलमा उसले यती हिमालयन शेर्पा क्लब, काठमाडौंलाई १-० ले पराजित गर्‍यो ।
सहाराका कप्तान विष्णु केसीले दिएको पासलाई सदुपयोग गर्दै बुद्ध लामाले खेलको नवौं मिनेटमा पहिलो गोल गरी टिमलाई अगाडि बढाए । यती हिमालयन शेर्पा दोस्रो सिमरा गोल्डकपको विजेता टिम हो ।
सहाराका खेलाडीमाथि पूर्णरूपमा दबाब राखेका हिमालयनका खेलाडीले गरेका दर्जनौं प्रहार गोलमा परिणत हुन सकेनन् । हिमालयनका पुकार गहतराजले खेलको १४ औं मिनेटमा पाएको पि|mकिक गोलमा परिणत गर्न सकेनन् । हिमालयनकै कोरियाली खेलाडी जोक जिन्होले पटक-पटक पाएको अवसरलाई सदुपयोग गर्न सकेनन् । उनका केही प्रहार सहाराका गोलकिपर राजु योगीले बचाव गरे ।
हिमालयनकै जोङ बोयंजुले कर्नर क्षेत्रबाट गरेको सुन्दर प्रहारलाई पोस्टमा रहेका अन्य खेलाडीले सदुपयोग गर्न सकेनन् । खेलको दोस्रो हाफमा सहाराले खेलको रणनीति नै परिवर्तन गरी सम्पूर्ण खेलाडीलाई डिफेन्समा राख्यो । हिमालयनका राजन अधिकारीले डिबक्सभित्रैबाट गरेको कडा प्रहारलाई किपरले जोगाएका थिए ।
लगत्तै पुकारले गरेको अर्को बलियो प्रहारलाई किपरले विफल तुल्याएपछि सहाराको जित निश्चित हुन पुगेको थियो । हिमालयनका प्रशिक्षक नवल गुरुङले गणितीय हिसाबमा पराजित हुन पुगे पनि आफ्नो टिमले राम्रो प्रदर्शन गरेको बताए । उनले बल पूर्णरूपमा आफ्नो नियन्त्रणमा रहे पनि गोल हुन नसक्नु दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण रहेको बताए ।
यस्तै सहाराका प्रशिक्षक किरण श्रेष्ठले खेलको सुरुवाती गोल नै जितको कारण भए पनि आफ्नो टिम पूरै समय हिमालयनको दबाबमा रहेको स्वीकारे । सेमिफाइनल 'डु एण्ड डाई' हुने भएकाले हिमालयनको दबाबका कारण दोस्रो हाफपछि टिमले रक्षात्मक शैलीमा खेलेको बताए । सहाराका विसन गौचन 'म्यान अफ द म्याच' घोषित भए ।
Ekantipur News

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Nepal Coach Graham Roberts Throws Party To The players

Nepal National Team Coach, Graham Roberts threw party to the players in the Nepal National  team camp. 

The program was organized on Shivaratri night at the team hotel. 

Coach Roberts said, "We had fun together. We are working hard and boys need some fun too". 

"The other day I let the boys go to cinema hall", Coach Roberts said, "It was a simple party. We ate, drank (soft drinks), sang and danced". 

"Over all, it was full of fun. Boys enjoyed a lot", Roberts added. 

"My principle is work hard, play hard", Roberts added, "Boys are working hard in the training sessions. That really pleases me".

Nepal National is training twice a day for the up-coming AFC Challenge Cup, which is starting from 8th of March in Kathmandu. 

Copy Article from: GOAL NEPAL 

Nepal coach Graham Roberts: Injury To Bijaya Gurung Is A Big Blow

Nepal National Team Coach, Graham Roberts admitted that the serious knee injury to Bijaya  Gurung - which left him out from the AFC Challenge Cup - is a big blow to the team. 

"Bijaya Gurung is a fantastic lad who can win the match", Roberts said, "Sadly we are going to miss him. It is a big blow to the team. Massive blow". 

"Now it is a chance for other midfielders to prove their worth. We need good midfielders in centre who can score goals".

Nepal National football team is training twice a day to prepare themselves for the up-coming AFC Challenge Cup football tournament starting from 8th of March in Kathmandu. 

Bijaya Gurung tweaked his knee while colliding with Deepak Bhusal in the training camp two weeks back and was told by the doctor to keep the plaster on his knee for next four weeks. 

Nepal will kick off the campaign taking on Palestine in the opening match on 8th of March at Dasrath Stadium. 

Stick to GoalNepal.com for each and every details of AFC Challenge Cup. 

Copy Article from: GOAL NEPAL 

22 February 2012

Two Important Players Not Sure To Come Nepal With Palestine Team

Palestine coach, Jamal Mahmoud is having tough time gathering players in the squad for up-coming AFC Challenge Cup 2012 which is starting from 8th of March in Nepal.

Coach Jamal recently announced a 29-member team but some of the important players are yet to join the squad. 

Ismail Amour, Murad Alyan and Atef Abu Bilal are not sure to come Nepal with the team, Palestine media reports say. 

Abdelatif Bahdari's participation is still not guaranteed, the Palestine FA is trying to negotiate a release with Bahdari's Club Hajer.  Murad Ismail will not make the trip- his brother is seriously ill and had to be hospitalized this past week. 

However, defenders Haitham Dheeb and Rafit Eyad will catch up with the team later in Nepal. 

Palestine will meet Nepal in the opening match at Dasrath Stadium on 8th of March. 

Copy Article from: GOAL NEPAL 

Bijaya Gurung: I am Feeling Very Sad To Miss Important Tournament

Nepal International Midfielder Bijay Gurung exclusively spoke with GoalNepal.com to share his pain of  getting injured ahead of important tournament like AFC Challenge Cup.

Gurung thinks that he can't recover his knee injury in time as doctor has suggested him to keep the plaster for next four weeks.

" I think, I am out from the squad. I am feeling very sad. I was gaining my top form but sadly I got my knee injured", Gurung said. " I can't express how difficult it is to miss such an important tournament."

Gurung said," I will concentrate on my treatment to recover soon. I am staying with the team right now".

However, ANFA has not confirmed about Gurung's exclusion from the squad.

Copy Article from: GOAL NEPAL 

AFC Challenge Cup 2012: 500KW Generator Planted At Dasrath Stadium

Nepal Government has planted a big 500 KW generator at the premises of Dasrath Stadium to back up electricity for up-coming AFC Challenge Cup.

The generator was aided by China upon the request from Maoist government led by PM Dr. Baburam Bhattarai. 

All Nepal Football Association (ANFA) is hosting the AFC Challenge Cup and have planned to conduct the matches at Dasrath Stadium day-night. The tournament is starting from 8th of March. 

According to the Chinese Officials - who planted the generator at the stadium - told GoalNepal.com that the generator would easily back up electricity for five hours. 

Here are the exclusive pictures from the scene. Pictures By: Shanker Byanjankar

 Goal Nepal

21 February 2012

Hamro Team featuring Nepali National Football Team

यू-२२ छनोट नेपालमै

काठमाडौ, फाल्गुन ६ - नेपालले एएफसी यू-२२ एसियन कप फुटबलको छनोट आयोजना गर्ने भएको छ ।
अखिल नेपाल फुटबल संघ (एन्फा) का अनुसार नेपालले छनोट समूह 'डी' का १० खेल जून २३ देखि जुलाई १ सम्म सञ्चालन गर्नेछ ।
त्यसमा आयोजक नेपालसहित उज्वेकिस्तान, जोर्डन, यमन र बंगलादेशले प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्नेछन् ।
एसियाली फुटबल महासंघ (एएफसी) ले पहिलोपल्ट आयोजना गरेको प्रतियोगितामा यो समूहलाई निकै कठिन मानिएको छ ।
समूहको सबैभन्दा बलियो टोली हो, उज्वेकिस्तान । जोर्डन पनि एसियाली फुटबलको उच्चस्तरीय टिम मानिन्छ । यमन र बंगलादेश वरीयतामा नेपालभन्दा माथि छन् ।
त्यसैले नेपालकेा शीर्ष दुईमा रहँदै छनोट पार गर्ने बाटो सहज छैन । यस्तोमा नेपाललाई घरेलु मैदान र समर्थकले उत्साहित पार्नेछन् ।
नेपालले पछिल्ला समय अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय प्रतियोगिता
निरन्तर आयोजना गर्दै आएको छ । एक वर्षयता फिफा वल्र्डकप-२०१६ को छनोट, साफ यू-१६ च्याम्पियनसिप, एएफसी यू-१६ छनोट आयोजना गरेको थियो ।
नेपाली फुटबल
इतिहासकै सर्वाधिक ठूलो आयोजनाका रूपमा फागुन २५ देखि चैत ६ गतेसम्म एएफसी च्यालेन्ज कप हुँदैछ ।
त्यसको दुई महिनापछि नै एएफसी यू-२२ छनोट नेपालमै हुने भएको हो ।

आरसीटी सेमिफाइनलमा

सिमरा (बारा), फाल्गुन ८ - रानीपोखरी कर्नर टिम (आरसीटी) आइतबार म्याजिक मोमेन्ट्स तेस्रो सिमरा गोल्डकपको अन्तिम चारमा प्रवेश गरेको छ । उसले क्वाटरफाइनलमा वीरगन्ज युथ एकेडेमीलाई ३-२ ले पराजित गर्‍यो ।
आरसीटीका एन्टोलो नगोमुले अतिरिक्त समयको २७ औं मिनेटमा पाएको पेनाल्टीलाई गोलमा परिणत गर्दै टिमलाई अघिल्लो चरणमा पुर्‍याए । निर्धारित समयमा दुवै टिम २-२ को बराबरीमा रहेपछि खेल अतिरिक्त समयमा पुगेको थियो ।
अत्यन्त प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक खेलमा नीरज मगरले ९ मिनेटमा जिरो लाइनबाट पहिलो गोल गरी आरसीटीलाई १-० को अग्रता दिलाएका थिए । तर, लखन चौधरीले खेलको ४५ औं मिनेटमा पि|mकिकमार्फत गोल गर्दै वीरगन्जलाई बराबरीमा पुर्‍याए । आरसीटीले वीरगन्जका कृष्ण शाक्यलाई लडाएपछि पाएको मौका सदुपयोग गर्दै ३६ वर्षीय लखनले बललाई जाली चुमाएका थिए ।
पहिलो हाफ १-१ को बराबरीमा रहे पनि खेलको ५५ औं मिनेटमा ओलडिपो अफिजले गोल गर्दै आरसीटीलाई पुनः अग्रता दिलाएका थिए । दोस्रो हाफको इज्जुरी टाइमको पहिलो मिनेटमा वीरगन्जले पेनाल्टीको अवसर पायो । उक्त अवसरमा कृष्ण शाक्यले गोल गर्दै खेल बराबरीमा पुर्‍याएका थिए । खेलमा वीरगन्जका रामकिशोर चौधरी र आरसीटीका एलेक्स लिकेन्जले रातो कार्ड पाए । वीरगन्जका प्रशिक्षक रीतु शाक्यले आफ्नो खेलाडीले राम्रो खेलेको बताए । आरसीटीका प्रशिक्षक बैजुनाथ कपालीले तालमेल नमिले पनि राम्रै खेलेको स्वीकारे । वीरगन्जका कप्तान कृष्ण शाक्य 'म्यान अफ द म्याच' घोषित भए ।

हिमालयन शेर्पा सेमिफाइनलमा

सिमरा, फाल्गुन ९ -  राजधानीको यती हिमालयन शेर्पा सिमरा गोल्डकपको सेमिफाइनल प्रवेश गरेको छ । उसले सोमबार मजदुर सहिद स्मृति क्लब (डब्लूएमएमसी) लाई २-१ ले हरायो ।
पहिलो हाफको १० औं मिनेटमा मजदुरका खेलाडीले कोरियाली खेलाडीलाई फल गरेपछि हिमालयनका कुञ्जन गुरुङले फ्रिकिकमार्फत पहिलो गोल गरे । दोस्रो हाफको आठौं मिनेटमा कोरियाली खेलाडीको पासमा कुञ्जनले हेडमार्फत अर्को गोल थपे ।
दोस्रो हाफको २८ औं मिनेटमा मजदुरका लागि जीवन सिंकेमानले एक गोल गरे । अग्रपंक्ति कमजोर भएकै कारण मजदुरले थप गोल गर्न सकेन ।मजदुरको रक्षापंक्तिको तालमेल नमिलेपछि शेर्पाका  कुञ्जनले मौकाको फाइदा उठाउँदै दोस्रो गोल गरेका थिए ।
मजदुरका टिम व्यवस्थापक राजन खडकाले आफ्नो टिमले सोचेअनुसार प्रदर्शन गर्न नसकेको र खेलाडीबीच तालमेल नमिल्दा पराजय भोग्नुपरेको बताए ।
हिमालयनका प्रशिक्षक नवल गुरुङले टिमले अझ बढी मिहिनेत गर्नुपर्ने बताए । उनले अब उपाधिका निम्ति तयारीमा लाग्ने बताए । प्रतियोगितामा उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन गरेबापत हिमालयन शेर्पाका कुञ्जन 'म्यान अफ द म्याच' घोषित भए ।
हिमालयन २-१ डब्लूएमएमसी

FA Cup latest

EPL high-flyers Tottenham Hotspur were held to a shock goalless draw away to third-tier Stevenage in the FA Cup fifth round today and face a replay to reach the quarter-finals.
Tottenham, third in English football's top-flight and eight-times FA Cup winners, did see Stevenage goalkeeper Chris Day - a former Spurs player - make a good save to turn Gareth Bale's  25-metre effort round the post early in the second half.

Spurs then had the ball in the back of net when Louis Saha steered in Danny Rose's cross only for the effort to be ruled out after a linesman spotted the striker's shot had clipped the offside Scott Parker before hitting the net.

"I've managed lower league sides that have knocked Premier League teams out (of the FA Cup) and managed Premier League teams who've been knocked out,'' Redknapp said. "They (Stevenage) made it difficult and worked hard.''
Delighted Stevenage boss Gary Smith said: "We had one or two opportunities we could have made more of but, overall, the players were outstanding.'' 

There were no stumbles for the other two Premier League sides involved in Cup action today.

Liverpool and Stoke will face each other in the quarter-finals after the Reds thrashed Championship side Brighton 6-1 at Anfield and Stoke triumphed 2-0 away to fourth-tier Crawley Town. 

Liverpool, helped by a Cup record three own goals from Brighton, went ahead in the fifth minute when Martin Skrtel headed in Steven Gerrard's corner. 

But the Seagulls were level in the 17th minute thanks to Kazenga LuaLua's fierce free-kick through a disintegrating wall. 
Before halftime, Liverpool were 2-1 up when a Glen Johnson header deflected in off Liam Bridcutt. 

Andy Carroll made it 3-1 with a thumping 57th-minute shot before the luckless Bridcutt 'scored' his second own goal in the 71st minute, when he turned in a Gerrard shot. 

Three minutes later, Brighton's Lewis Dunk hacked a Luis Suarez cross into his own net and, five minutes from time, Suarez - who had a penalty saved - completed the rout with a headed goal. 

Victory set up Liverpool for next week's League Cup final at Wembley against another second-tier club in Cardiff. 
Stoke won at Crawley despite playing most of the match a man down after Rory Delap was sent off. 

Goals either side of halftime, courtesy of a Jonathan Walters penalty and a Peter Crouch header, put Stoke, last season's beaten finalists, into the last eight. 

Stoke manager Tony Pulis criticised referee Mike Jones for Delap's 17th-minute red card: "There is a big problem within the game in that I think professional people and referees are so far apart in what they see in terms of what are fair challenges or competitive challenges and the bad, reckless challenges.'' 

Sunday's quarter-final draw produced another all-Premier League tie with Everton, who knocked Blackpool out on Saturday, at home to Sunderland, who ended Arsenal's FA Cup campaign. 

Stevenage or Tottenham will welcome Bolton while Chelsea or Birmingham, who drew 1-1 on Saturday, will face Championship outfit Leicester, who on Saturday beat Premier League Norwich 2-1 in the only upset win of the fifth round.

Guardiola's men reach final

A goal in each half from Cesc Fabregas and Xavi ensured Barcelona progressed to the Copa del Rey final at the expense of ten-man Valencia.
There was all to play for with the tie finely balanced at 1-1 heading into Wednesday's second leg at the Camp Nou, and the hosts needed only 16 minutes to take the lead through a neat finish from Fabregas.
Sofiane Feghouli was sent off for the visitors in the 76th minute for a second bookable offence and soon after Xavi eased any Barca nerves by grabbing his side's second goal.
Barca will face Athletic Bilbao in the final after the Basque club completed an 8-3 aggregate win over Mirandes on Tuesday night.
Valencia had a couple of early sights of goal this evening but were unable to work Jose Pinto in the Barca goal.
Victor Ruiz failed to connect in the six-yard box in the third minute and then Feghouli lashed in a left-footed shot which whistled narrowly past the top-left corner.
The hosts went ahead on the quarter-hour mark, Fabregas dinking over Diego Alves with the outside of his right boot following a fine pass from Lionel Messi.
Barca were beginning to gain a foothold as the game wore on, although Los Che remained a threat on the counter-attack.
Alves prevented Barca from going two up in the 18th minute, producing a brilliant save to keep out Messi after the Argentina forward had burst through on goal.
Alexis Sanchez had another blast deflected wide in the 27th minute and Fabregas saw another drive stopped by Alves three minutes later as Pep Guardiola's side continued to push forward.
A last-gasp tackle from Gerard Pique denied Jonas a shooting opportunity nine minutes before the break when the Valencia forward looked to have found space.
Valencia were almost back on level terms in the opening moments of the second half, but Pinto got out well to block with his legs from Jordi Alba's angled shot.
The ever-lively Messi went within a whisker of extending his side's lead at the other end in the 54th minute after latching onto Isaac Cuenca's slick pass, the Ballon d'Or winner's effort deflected over the bar by Ruiz.
The visitors had a sniff of an equaliser soon after when, with Pinto in no-man's land, Aritz Aduriz sent over a cross but Javier Mascherano cleared the danger.
The action soon returned to the other end, where Messi capitalised on sloppy defending to go close again but his only reward was a corner.
Pinto had to be alert in the 73rd minute to tip a fierce attempt from Jonas over the bar for a corner.
Valencia's cause was not helped by the dismissal of Feghouli 14 minutes from time, the midfielder shown a second yellow card for a stray arm in the face of Carles Puyol.
Barca did not take long to capitalise on their numerical advantage.
Messi's superb pass found Sanchez and he laid the ball off for Fabregas to tee up Xavi, who lashed a stunning shot into the roof of the net to put the result beyond doubt.
Messi could have added further gloss to the scoreline when he unleashed a brilliant free-kick in the 85th minute. Alves produced a magnificent right-handed save, but Barca were home and dry.

Guardiola: I do not want to play Copa del Rey final at the Bernabeu if Real Madrid do not want us there

Real Madrid's stadium has been suggested as a potential venue for the match due to its capacity, a possibility that has not gone down well with several club personalities.

"I do not feel like going to a place where they do not want to receive us," Guardiola is quoted as saying by Marca.

"We will not go to a place where they do not want us to honour the Copa. 

"The Bernabeu was the best place, but if they do not want, we will not go. We do not want to disturb."

In 2009, Barca locked horns with Bilbao in the Copa final at Mestalla, with fans of both clubs booing the Spanish national anthem.

Since November, Goal.com has been publishing exclusive extracts from Graham Hunter's highly-anticipated new book, 'Barca: The Making of the Greatest Team in the World'. The very last extract looks at Andres Iniesta's risky return from injury in the 2009 Champions League Final and how he was described by Wayne Rooney as the 'best midfielder in the world'. Don't miss it! 

Liverpool v Stoke In FA Cup Quarter-Finals

 Liverpool  are on track for three trips to Wembley this season as they beat championship side Brighton 6-1 at home to set up an all Premier meeting with Stoke  City in the quarter-finals. Stoke, last season’s beaten finalists, beat Millwall 2-0 in their fifth round tie. Stoke will be looking for cup revenge after losing to Liverpoolin the Carling Cup earlier this season.

In another all Premier League tie, Everton  will meet Sunderland  at Goodison Park on the weekend of March 17-18, after wins over Blackpool and Arsenal  respectively. Everton last won the competition in 1995, whileSunderland’s best season since reaching the final 20 years ago came in 2004 when they were beaten semi-finalists.
Tottenham , who were shockingly held to a goalless draw at league one Stevenage, will have a home match against Bolton  if they win the replay at White Hart Lane.
Chelsea , winners of the competition in three of the past five seasons, face a tough replay at Birmingham if they are to reach the quarter-finals. If they win it, they will have a home tie against the only non-Premier League side currently guaranteed a place in the last eight – Leicester.
FA Cup 5th Round Replays
Spurs v Stevange – Tottenham v Stevenage Tickets
Birmingham City v Chelsea – Birmingham City v Chelsea Tickets
FA Cup Quarter-Finals
Liverpool v Stoke City – Liverpool v Stoke City Tickets
Chelsea/Birmingham City v Leicester City
Stevenage/Tottenham Hotspur v Bolton Wanderers
Everton v Sunderland

FA Cup

Harry Redknapp’s men may have been held by Stevenage Borough in the FA Cup on Sunday but they remain the bookies’ favourites to lift the trophy for the ninth time in their history. Spurs are as short as 12/5 at Sky Bet but if you think Redknapp will sign off from the club with a top four place and the FA Cup in the bag, get down to Bet Victor or Coral, as they are offering odds of 5/2.
Tottenham, if they see off the threat of Stevenage, will face Premier League strugglers Bolton Wanderers at home in the next round. White Hart Lane has been something of a fortress for Spurs this season and you’d have to be a Bolton or a crazed Arsenal fan to bet against them sealing a place in the semi-final.
Owen Coyle’s men reached the semi-finals last season, although nobody at the Reebok needs to be reminded about what happens there, but if you think they can go one better this year and actually win it then get down to Bet365, as they are offering odds of 33/1.
But if you think Stevenage could produce the shock of the competition and go on to lift the trophy, Bet Victor is the place for you. They are offering odds of 700/1.
Liverpool are the bookies’ second favourites and their 6-1 thrashing of Brighton will have boosted their confidence, although the visit of Stoke City will be a tough one, especially as the Reds have failed to beat them in the league this season. They did kick Stoke out of the Carling Cup though at the Britannia but Liverpool’s home form needs to improve if they are to reach Wembley and finish in the top four. Kenny Dalglish’s men are 11/4 at Bet Victor and Stan James to win their eighth cup while Stoke are 20/1 at most bookies to win their first FA Cup.
Struggling Chelsea, who were held at home by Birmingham City, are 9/2 at Bet Victor for cup success, although they need to overcome a tricky trip to St Andrews first. Chris Hughton’s Blues, who have put a tremendous run together in the Championship recently are 50/1 at SkyBet to emulate their Carling Cup success of last season in this tournament. The winners of this replay will fancy their chances of making it to the semi-final as Leicester City will be their opponents. Nigel Pearson masterminded Norwich City’s exit. Could he do the same to the Blues? If you think he can land City’s first ever FA Cup after four final appearances Bet Fred is your man with odds of 50/1.
The final tie of the round sees Everton hosting Arsenal’s conquerors Sunderland at Goodison Park. Now this should be a cracker of a game. Both sides have found form over the past few months although Sunderland’s recent record on Merseyside has been poor. However, Martin O’Neill can do no wrong in the eyes of the Sunderland fans and who would bet against him capping a fabulous start to life on Wearside with a trophy? David Moyes’s men are 7/1 to win their first FA Cup since beating Manchester Untied back in 1995, while Sunderland are 9/1 to win the FA Cup for only the second time in their history.
It’s getting down to the business end of the competition and everyone is now dreaming of Wembley, but who would you put your money on winning the FA Cup? Whatever your views, we’d love to hear from you.